So like…

It riles them to believe that you perceive the web they weave and keep on thinking free.

novels and babies and cold… 8 November, 2007

Filed under: confessionals,general chatter — freundlyfolk @ 10:26 am

oh my.

nanowrimo is laughing at me, i just know it. but, i’m taking a tip from melissa and not worrying about keeping track of my words, just on the writing itself. my story’s kinda coming along, but today i’m gonna do overhaul #2. good thing i’m not out to win nanowrimo.

i’m gonna go slightly out of order with the title here and point out, at this time, that it is damn cold. lows last night got down to 28, and this morning isn’t much warmer. we finally turned the heat on, but we haggled over the setting…ben wanted it at 68(!!), whereas i prefer 72. so, i settled on 70. i say i did, because ben was still griping about 70 being too warm, but in my opinion, if you’re gonna set it any lower than 70, there’s no point in turning on the heat at all. can i help it that i don’t have a molten core to keep me warm like ben does?

and now, the babies. i feel like i’m standing at a baby crossroads, so to speak…three different roads, three different women, three completely different situations, and i care about them all. first, the new mother: none other than the lovely mrs. esmon. graham is her second child, after the lovely miss piper, who is 2. nikki and alex are wonderful parents, and graham is going to have a fantastic life (at least, as much as any kid can…those adolescent years are tough for just about everyone). and that’s the family life ben and i hope to have one day…two children, preferably a boy and a girl, and a relatively happy home life.

then, there’s my baby sister. you know, the one with the much-older hep-c-positive jail-bird “fiance.” i was worried enough at the prospect of the two getting married, but now she tells me they want to have a baby. i’m fairly certain part of my face melted right off when she said that. i mean, forgetting for a moment the fact that neither of them has a job (and kayla’s never been able to hold one for more than a couple months), there’s the fact that kayla is on a truckload of medications for a truckload of issues, issues that could be passed along to any baby she conceives. or the fact that they’re both bigots (kayla argues this point by proudly proclaiming, “i hate everyone equally”). or the fact that they both have long, involved histories with everything from heroin to acid to alcohol. and then, there’s the fact that curtis supposedly had a vasectomy. maybe it’s because she’s my baby sister, but this is a prime example of baby = bad…

and then there’s the third, a friend of mine who confided in me that she can’t get pregnant. and of all the women i know, she would be one of the absolute best moms. it’s really unfair…

something else that’s unfair is the fact that i somehow pulled a muscle in my stomach at some point. i don’t know when, but i suspect it was at night, while i was asleep. i can feel it when i lean forward or do anything else that uses that muscle. ouch.


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