So like…

It riles them to believe that you perceive the web they weave and keep on thinking free.

giving thanks 3 December, 2008

Filed under: general chatter,yaay for stuff — freundlyfolk @ 9:49 am

when your whole being becomes so intertwined with that of another that you start considering yourself a certifiably inseparable couple, the prospect of a holiday spent apart can be a little nerve-wracking. so when ben declared that he wanted to go fishing with his dad for thanksgiving, i was less than thrilled, to put it mildly. but hey, who am i to tell him what he can and can’t do? i’ve never been a big subscriber to the whole cult of the bossy wife…

fortunately for me, our friend michelle was also flying solo for the holiday, so while i had to be benless (a sad state in itself), i didn’t have to be entirely alone. i made the turkey, my first time ever prepping and cooking a turkey (and more than likely my last…i can barely handle working with raw skinless boneless chicken breast, let alone 8 pounds of skin-on, bone-in turkey). it turned out pretty spiffy, if i do say so…it was very juicy, and even though i couldn’t find cranberries anywhere, the glaze wasn’t too shabby. i also made mashed potatoes (no link because i used my own recipe) and peas (again no link, thank you green giant), and michelle brought the pumpkin pie and crescent rolls.

so we had a thanksgiving dinner that couldn’t be beat, watched a fantastic anime, and had an overall wonderful day. of course, this meant that her super awesome kitty maya had to spend the day alone, but i think she made it okay. 🙂

i’m so lucky, to not only have found the love of my life, but to also be surrounded by wonderful frieds. 😀

so how was your thanksgiving?


One Response to “giving thanks”

  1. krishyana Says:

    yay for awesome turkey and hanging out 🙂 I was curious how your dinner went 😉

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